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REM VT Lathes are now fully Integrated with FocalPoints

May 2022 - Go to Software Integration

Integration has been a crucial part of our strategy as it provides the means to collect and centralize data about every aspect of the manufacturing process. The ability to integrate seamlessly with the newest Lathes is crucial in our long-term vision to help bring better vision to the many people with FocalPoints. For this reason in 2020 Advance Medical has initiated a collaboration with REM Vision Tech to integrate their Lathes with the FocalPoints software. After two years of work we are proud to announce that the integration has been completed and that Tiedra in Madrid is the first Contact Lens Lab testing the newly created FP/REM VT Interface.

REM R400 Pro

FocalPoints is now fully compatible with the R400Pro Series, the new generation high precision 2-axis CNC automatic lathe produced by REM Vision Tech.

The R400Pro is designed to automate the lens lathing process, thus achieving a very good surface quality, able to manufacture all kind of free form contact lens surfaces. The new integration takes advantage of the hardware capabilities of the R400Pro combining them with FocalPoints' signature Integrated Manufacturing System for optimal results and efficiency.

It has always been our priority to expand FocalPoints' integration and Lathes are obviously a key factor in the manufacturing process. We saw a great potential in REM' approach and vision of the market, so we started working together on interfacing FocalPoints with their Lathes. We found in REM a great team that shares our same passion for innovation and constant improvement.

Filippo Selden, CEO of Advance

REM Vision Tech had since the beginning a real commitment to contact lenses manufacturers, always trying to help them in their daily work. According to this, we integrated the largest design licensing platform existing in the market, FocalPoints. Now, we can offer our customers the possibility to manufacture the best lens designs, always available in the FocalPoints platform, so that they can improve their service and expand their business. Collaborating with FocalPoints has been extremely easy as we both share the same philosophy: “Bringing solutions to our customers, make us better.

Félix Lopez, CEO of REM Vision Tech